a webshow like icarly but idk with 2023 humor and memes

Have a meme, talent, funny video, mem-

Well send it to me at delaportilladev@gmail.com. It might even go to the show on weekends (next weekend)!
Something that makes people go WOW! Please don't send me unfunny stuff, Only the memes approved please.

If you don't have an amazing meme, you can STILL get on iMemery! Just send us a video clip of you telling a funny joke...or even a clip of you talking about a weird or wacky problem you have. I might even help you solve it!

EPIK TIPS (most rules are mandatory)

Make sure there's no music playing in background unless you have permissions. I dont wanna be flagged on day 1!

DON'T say or do anything inappropriate. The main example is swearing. Please dont

DON'T say or display full names, school names, cities, street names, phone numbers, or email addresses in your video.

Remember: The closer you are to the camera, the better we'll hear your voice!

Try to keep your video less than 3 minutes, if you can. (Why would memes be that long)

Watch your video before you send it to us. Make sure it looks & sounds good. If it doesn't, try again and make it better!

(c) iMemery